Welcome To The Inspirational Art

Our mind is always full of thoughts. They give rise to all kinds of feelings like jealousy, hatred, anger, doubt and fear. Such negative thoughts will affect us. The subconscious mind should feel it can achieve everything that we want. It should be filled with positive thoughts which will encourage us to perform to the best of our capabilities. To change our way of thinking we need something to boost our mind. Here we serve you the booster of mind, the inspirational quotes from the greatest people in the world. Pick some and remember always. Hope you can achieve your dream. Thanks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Inspirational Quotes By Jack Benny

Jack Benny
1894 -1974
American Comedy Entertainer

Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky February 14, 1894 - December 26, 1974) was an American comedian, vaudevillian, and actor for radio, television, and film.

Widely recognized as one of the leading American entertainers of the 20th Century, Benny was known for his comic timing and his ability to get laughs with either a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature exasperated "Well!" His radio and television programs, tremendously popular in the 1940s and '50s, were a foundational influence on the situation comedy.

Jack Benny- September Song

Famous quotations by Jack Benny

No matter how often I tell people I'm thirty-nine some of them refuse to believe I'm that old.
~Jack Benny

Gags die, humor doesn't.
~Jack Benny

It's not so much knowing when to speak, when to pause.
~Jack Benny

I don't want to tell you how much insurance I carry with the Prudential, but all I can say is: when I go, they go too.
~Jack Benny

Modesty is my best quality.
~Jack Benny